How have we been doing? What world are we handing to generations to come ? Poisoned seas & skies? Deforestation? Floods, forest fires? Widescale extinctions, famines, pandemics? Mass migration? Wars driven by need, greed and envy?
C’mon – we can do better than that! On this website are some practical initiatives you can join in.
Direct. Aimed at less advantaged communities where we can replace envy with hope, where the benefits will come through fastest.
Small enough that we can see for real the difference we make. Too small to dent the immense challenges we all face? Just imagine if one in a thousand of us helped out with just one small initiative. That would be a whopping eight million projects…
“Surely working together we are powerful enough to save our planet” David Attenborough
Tap/Click the thumbnails below for more
Can we really make a difference? Of course we must and we can. For example, as soon as it was understood that Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were depleting the ozone layer, they were promptly replaced by less harmful refrigerants. Now the ozone ‘hole’ above Antarctica is recovering.
Today we recognise the consequences of our CO2 and Methane emissions. Temperatures are rising, energising the weather, making it more erratic. Promptly, new carbon-free power generation industries have been encouraged – King Coal is no more. Housing insulation, electric cars; all positive developments. There’s still a long long way to go but we’re pointing in the right direction.
“My hope is that (my grandchildren) will grow up in a world where they are able to look back on this dangerous passage through this narrows of history and say ‘Wow, humanity really did step up and meet this challenge in time,’ and I hope they’ll feel great about it.” Al Gore, 2024
There’s time to mend our ways as long as we get on with it – we all have a positive part to play. We can’t sit back and leave it to ‘Them‘ to sort things. ‘They‘ can’t/won’t progress anything without widescale backing – from us. The best way of demonstrating that backing is for us to take positive, constructive action.
Curious? Click any of the thumbnails above for more details. Our projects are focused on Africa for a reason – this is where investment in healthcare, agriculture and education has been most neglected – leaving millions suffering poor life expectancy, food insecurity and limited access to the basic learning they need to progress. That’s precisely why that Africa’s the place where progress can be fastest, so it’s not all dire news at all. You can help if you like, or pitch in with your own initiatives. We’d love to hear from you.
Our hands are full! We’re not tackling anything about the state of our seas, lakes or rivers – even though over 70% of our planet’s surface is covered with water. If anyone has a project to propose, just let us know.
The Lowdown.
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