Prawn E4

Planted by Ghaith Aljayyoussi 

Paul and Ghaith often used Pawn E4 to open their many chess games.

This is an evergreen tree and was planted in memory of Paul back in my hometown in Jordan where I was at the time. These trees are a symbol of life in Arabic tradition and meant to bring blessings to families where they are grown and are considered sacred to people who live in the region where it was planted. They also produce very nice olives that are world-renowned for their excellent quality in these regions.

31°58’03.9″N 35°50’58.5″E
Hasan Al Attar, Amman, Jordan

Over a weekend while working for Fedegari Autoclave in Tel Aviv, Israel, Paul visited Ghaith in his hometown in Jordan. The olive tree holds special significance in this part of the world.